The Alkaline Silver
When it comes to supporting your family's well-being, settling for ordinary products is simply not an option. Alkaline Structured Colloidal Silver represents the pinnacle of colloidal silver technology, offering unparalleled potency, safety, and effectiveness without breaking the bank.
By incorporating this extraordinary formulation into your daily routine, you are investing in long-term vitality and maximum levels of health for you and your loved ones.
Times Have Changed...
Your Colloidal Silver Should Too.
This ain't your ordinary, run of the mill Colloidal Silver.
This is a PH balanced, bound to Structured Water, 910 Ghz frequency charged 240 volt generated true colloid that can pass the blood brain barrier to kill yeasts, molds, spirochettes, and fungus - all without a Herx reaction bound inside a structured water molecule.
It readily travels the entirety of the body to get in places ordinary Colloidal Silver can't go.
Colloidal Silver solutions have been used for centuries to support immunity and digestive health, and Alkaline Structured Silver is formulated on a foundation of Structured Water for optimal effectiveness – but we’ve upped the game.
We didn’t just make something new...
We made something BETTER.
The Extraordinary Properties of Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver, a suspension of microscopic silver particles in a liquid medium, has been revered for centuries for its remarkable ability to combat a wide range of pathogens. Unlike conventional antibiotics, which can disrupt the delicate balance of beneficial microorganisms within the body, colloidal silver selectively targets harmful microbes while preserving the integrity of healthy probiotic flora. This selective action not only enhances its effectiveness but also minimizes the risk of adverse side effects, making it a safer and more sustainable option for maintaining overall well-being.
The Structured Water Advantage
At the heart of Alkaline Structured Colloidal Silver lies a groundbreaking innovation: structured water. Unlike ordinary water molecules, which form large, disorganized clusters, structured water is characterized by smaller, more coherent molecular formations.
This unique configuration allows the colloidal silver particles to remain suspended and evenly distributed within the solution, ensuring optimal bioavailability and enhancing their ability to reach every corner of the body.
Water is what we depend on for every bodily function and ultimately for survival. Researchers are finding that structured water is better absorbed by our cells than purified or distilled waters. Structured water also creates an aerobic positive environment through free stable oxygen which promotes healthy bacteria and negates bad bacteria.
Structured Water is water that has been purified vibrationally in order to neutralize toxins. Water in nature is also naturally structured. Some potential benefits of this type of water are better metabolism, DNA strengthening, more energy, & a better ability to hydrate the cells.
Standard colloidal silvers when created use a haphazardly and “messy” frequency in the generation of their product, ignoring the quantum mechanics of what it means to “charge” an atom with different energy densities – which alter the electron cloud density, rotational inertia, and physical expression pattern of the probability function.
This drastically decreases the effectiveness of a product when you don’t pay attention to what frequency you’re generating the silver at – as you’ve altered the electron field probability density to “messy” versus “effective and safe”.Consequently, Silver ions in colloidal silver will have much the same expression of their electron field density probabilities, as well as rotational inertia differences of the electrons themselves based upon the frequencies you generate the colloidal silver at.
The Alkaline Silver is generated with a very specific frequency and voltage to directly imbue the “soul” of the atom with predetermined expressions of both electron field probability density as well as the rotational inertia of the electron.
While standard Newtonian Physics is exceedingly useful – it has it’s limitations when go we start to peer down further into the quantum expressions of individual atoms in different excited states.We generate Alkaline Structured Silver to be imbued with the power of the Sun - with the frequency of Ultra Violet Light.Ultra Violet light has long been known to be powerfully germicidal, and many businesses and hospitals use the Ultra Violet light to sterilize and cleanse different environments and surgical tools because of the capacity for Ultra Violet light to kill pretty much every known pathogen known.
Different holistic fields will even use Ultra Violet light to cleanse the blood of sick people of many different pathogens in an IV setting in which the blood of a person is extracted and run through a UV light and returned to the body after it has been cleaned.