It's well known that there's Gematria in Hebrew, but what about English?
Let's explore the name of Jesus Christ, by the numbers.
A special thanks to Marty Leed (link at bottom) for his work on numerology and English cyphers to decode his Holy Name.
The first thing we need to do is understand there is what is called a "Cypher" for the language. A Cypher is " a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning " - or a way to lay down a pattern to decrypt what is encoded into a message that is normally hidden from plain sight. Also, a cypher may be used to add deeper meaning and consistency across a message as well. Let us first look at the English alphabet. While we could assign numbers such as A =1, B = 2,..... Z = 26 - that would only be one such cypher. Gematria (see the blog post on the Alpeh) can have more than one way to be decoded (such is absolutely the case with Hebrew), and is a way to add even more layers of beauty to a language or a message.
The cypher we are going to use for the English language is one that will we correspond each letter up to the number 7 before starting over - in order to be consistent with the 7's across the Bible. Seven days in a week, Seven notes in a major scale, seven chakras, seven deadly sins....and so on. This very possibly is a cypher used by the Freemasons as well, hence the "G" used in their symbol of the compass and ruler.
More on 7:
As you can see, 7's don't just have to do with "numbers" - but how those numbers unfold into different pieces of reality and the symbols that all are represented by "7"
Why exactly are numbers so important? Well, because language changes, and is interpreted differently by each different person reading it. People (and plants, animals, and crystals) all speak different languages as well - which creates a barrier in in communication.
However - the Universe and the creator speaks in numbers, patterns, and math. As Galileo said it best "The universe cannot be read until we learn to speak the language in which it is written". How could one expect to speak the language of creation, if you didn't even know what the language looked like? Math and numbers have long been known to be a "Universal language" than any species on any planet would be able to communicate with each other through - as the language would be constant across every planet.
If you haven't seen my previous blog post on the "Aleph" - be sure to check it out to get a deeper understanding of what a "1" even means, let alone a 26.
Before we continue on too far - we've got a few more topics to cover before we delve in. Below we have the finished cypher on both the right and left hand - the mirrored images that can be represented as the "as above, so below", the two hemispheres of the brain, the masculine and the feminine, the up and the down, the hot and the cold - or more simply put, Duality.
Let's first introduce the idea of "squaring the circle" and what exactly this means: " Squaring the Circle is a geometry problem and a spiritual puzzle. It dates back at least 4,000 years. All of the great cultures that expressed advanced mathematics and philosophy approached this problem and had a mythology to give it meaning. On one hand, it is a practical, geometric exercise exploring approximations of PI and Phi. On the other hand, it is a philosophical puzzle to combine opposites and find the perfect balance. Can a human find their way through the maze of different extremes that we encounter in our mortal experience? We must navigate between light and darkness, health and sickness, pleasure and pain, life and death, good and evil. The greatest minds in history have expressed pleasure and enlightenment from this geometry exercise. A famous Greek philosopher included a statement in his work “On Exile” referring to one of his fellow countrymen who worked the squaring problem:
“There is no place that can take away the happiness of a man, nor yet his virtue or wisdom. Anaxagoras, indeed, wrote on the squaring of the circle while in prison.”
The basic puzzle is this: Using only a square, a compass, a straight edge and a writing stick, create a square with the same circumference or area as a circle. It has to be done in a finite number of steps. You can not measure it numerically (with a ruler). It all has to be done through proportion and true principles using four unmarked tools.
It’s a geometry puzzle with meanings, here are some basic interpretations.
Right-Angled Square: This represents logic and law. It is associated with the head and mind. It is left thinking.
Compass: Used for making circles. This represents feeling and intuition, the emotional mind. It is associated with the heart. It is right thinking.
Writing Stick: This represents our desire, our appetites, what we hunger for, the energy and will that drives action (like drawing and working a puzzle). It could also be called faith in its verb form. It is associated with the belly, the source of hunger and desire.
Straight Edge: This represents precision, exactness and a division between opposites (good/evil, dark/light, etc.). It represents a decision, a commitment and an action that separates thinking from doing. The knee divides the upper leg from the lower leg, and the leg is symbolic of walking a path towards a destination. A straight line represents boundaries..
A square shape is symbolic of the “four corners” of the earth, the physical world, the tangible, the rational, our body, our material experience and the absolute of truth. It represents that which is defined and the finite..
A circle shape is symbolic of the heavens, the spiritual world, the intangible, the irrational or transcendental, that which surrounds and embraces our spirit and ideal potential. It represents that which is beyond definition, the eternal and infinite.
Squaring the Circle asks the initiate to reconcile the circle with the square, and through that process grow and receive wisdom. Can you reconcile the mind and the heart? Can you combine heaven and earth to find a place where they meet? Can you balance perfectly your intellect with your emotions to find a solution? How does your spirit and body combine to become one? Where is the boundary between justice and mercy? These are the questions answered through pondering and meditating on solutions to the puzzle.
It is said that all truth (a square) can be circumscribed (a circle) into one great whole (perfection and enlightenment).
The answers to Squaring the Circle will get you past the stumbling blocks, like gate keepers inside your soul, that prevent you from entering through the veil of mortality to your kingdom as a returning champion, a queen or king, the victorious hero from an epic quest.
Our contemporary modern society has moved away from metaphorical expression like this. We are often not comfortable working in symbol when it comes to the spiritual. If things aren’t factually true (such as the details of a myth), then they are false and should be discarded.
We find artistic and religious metaphor silly, even pointless in our materialistic, technician-oriented culture. Left-brained labels and icons define all by putting things into neat boxes but leave out what the right brain intuits through relationship and proportion. If only there was a way to preserve this exercise of Squaring the Circle in a new religious framework, a way to re-purpose it for the modern world, many could benefit from such a metaphorical hero’s quest in their life journey.
Someone would probably want to borrow from the ancients and from traditions handed down over the ages, since those that came before us already did so much work. It would be wasteful to reinvent the wheel completely from scratch, I would think. *wink*
-Brian Johnston,
It's also important to note that the circle has relations of both diameter and circumference - as PI is circumference divided by the diameter - roughly equating to 3.14.
Pi has been known for nearly 4,000 years and was discovered by ancient Babylonians. A tablet from somewhere between 1900-1680 B.C. found pi to be 3.125. The ancient Egyptians were making similar discoveries, as evidenced by the Rhind Papyrus of 1650 B.C. In this document, the Egyptians calculated the area of a circle by a formula giving pi an approximate value of 3.1605.
There is even a biblical verse where it appears pi was approximated:
And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about. — I Kings 7:23 (10 cubits across - 30 around = roughly 3:1 (3.14:1))
We do not have time to get into the Earth, the Moon, the Numbers, the Fibonacci, and the Lucas sequence here unfortunately, as we're already covering enough - but we'll get to Jesus and the Fibonacci in phyllotaxis soon enough.
Pi is also woven into the Jewish Menorah through symbolism and numerology if we use English Base 7 Cypher as Marty Leeds has pointed out for us.
Now that we've fully saturated your consciousness with a myriad of topics that must be explored at a later time in greater depth, it's time to get to the nuts and bolts of of the power in the name of Jesus Christ.
Using the English Cypher that we have laid out repeatedly - let's apply the Gematria to the name of Jesus Christ in English
If we phonteically break it into the two syllables - we have JE and SUS.
In my previous blog post I broke down the "Aleph" and what the Gematria of "45" comes to mean - as the Hebrew word "ADAM" is the word for "MANKIND/HUMANITY" has a Gematria of 45 - and is combination of the two words "Aleph" and "DAM" (DAM meaning "blood"), where the Aleph represents the spiritual, and the task of a HUMAN is to make the two merge as one so there is no distinguishing the spiritual from the physical.
The number 666 is not the number of the beast - but the number of Man and his lower aspects. 666 is also the sum of all the numbers of "The Magic Square of the SUN" which will be broken down in a later post, there isn't space here or we'll get too far off topic.
When we multiply all the Gematrial digits of JESUS we get 4,320 - which just so happens to be the numbers found in the diameter of the radius of the sun. Also - 432hz music is the tuning that was used until the Nazi's changed the music in the late early 20th century to weaponize music and remove the divine geometric patterns formed when "C" was tuned to 432hz (it has since been changed to 440 hz to remove Jesus from music" Cymatics - or the study of how sound looks is an entirely different topic involving sacred geometry.
Numerologically put, in simple terms - Jesus as we've demonstrated is literally "The Way, The Truth, and The Light". The Light being most evident in the numerological multiplication of the English cypher gematria coming out to the radius of the sun - or quite literally - THE LIGHT.
Christ by the numbers also comes up the 365 as in the number of days the LIGHT (SON, SUN) in a solar year.
More importantly - we find Jesus as number of 137. If we multiply all the numbers in Christ - we come up with 18,900, and if we take the square root of it - we get the number #137. Let's go deeper.
First, we must discuss the most important number in all of physics.
That number is 137.
137 is the biggest mystery and most important number in all of science. Without question.
137 refers to electrons and the odds of an electron absorbing a single photon - or in simple Kabbalah language, it’s about Vessel and Light, or the physical body of man and his ability to ignite the Light from his soul and arouse the Light in the extraordinary 99% reality so that it shines in our plain, ordinary world.
Please do not worry if you don’t understand the science and physics associated with the number 137 (also known as the fine structure constant). That’s not what is important here.
And by the way, most physicists don’t understand it either. But they do admit and know that it’s the most important number in the universe. You can google it later if you want to know more about how it works in physics and why it’s so important.
In this article, I will simply offer up the bottom line connection to this mysterious number, a number that has the greatest physicists in history scratching their collective heads.
For instance, one of the important physicists of the 20th century Richard Feynman wrote the following about the number 137:
“It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the ‘hand of God’ wrote that number, and ‘we don’t know how He pushed his pencil.”
Another great 20th-century scientist, Wolfgang Pauli was obsessed about 137. Pauli and other physicists were convinced that 137 was a mystical number with a secret meaning beyond physics.
According to the science book Deciphering the Cosmic Number, by Arthur Miller:
“Pauli once said that if the Lord allowed him to ask anything he wanted, his first question would be “Why 1/137?”
In this same book, it reveals the following letter that Wolfgang Pauli wrote to his sister Hertha:
“I do believe that the natural sciences will…bring forth a counter pole in their adherents, which connects with the old mystic elements”
So now we know that the most important number in physics, which deals with photons and electrons, is the same numerical value as the word Kabbalah, which deals with Light and Vessels.
Wolfgang Pauli also died in Room 137 of the Rotkreuz hospital in Zürich, Switzerland oddly enough.
The number 137 comes up quite often in the Torah. It is the most common age for the biblical characters.
Abraham is 137 years old when he binds his son Isaac in the Torah Portion of Vayeira. When you understand Kabbalah, you realize this relates directly to the idea of an “electron absorbing a photon” or desire connecting to Light. We must bind our ego (Isaac), the negative desire in order to connect to the hidden, concealed realm of Light (Abraham). That’s what the story of Abraham binding his son Isaac is all about.
Moses’ father lived to 137, according to the Torah.
Ishmael lived to 137, according to the Torah.
Levi lived to 137, according to the Torah. Levi is the seed of the Tribe of Levi.
What is also amazing is that the phrase “The Cohen & the Levites” has the numerical value of 137.
Noah (1) had 3 sons (3) and 70 (7) descendants. There’s that wily 137 again!
Adam (1) led to 3 Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (3) which led to 70 family members (7). 137!
There are 304,805 letters in the Torah.
What what happens if you reverse the numbers in pairs (it's all about duality you know): 50+84+03=137.
Moses’ Tabernacle, the earthly dwelling place of God was 13.7
meters long.
137 is the 33rd prime number.
Our purpose in this world is to unite the physical world (electron) with the spiritual world of Light (photon) and that is what 137 teaches us to do.
137 also plays a role cosmically.
Read this…
NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has taken the best measurement of the age of the Universe to date.”…scientists now have the best estimate yet on the age of the Universe: 13.7 billion years”
(there it is again 137)
137 is all about making a connection between an unseen force and a seen force.
The seen force is our desire, the realm of the physical world which we call the 1 percent reality. The unseen realm is the source of wisdom and happiness. The hidden 99% reality.
If you add the individual numbers of 137 together you get eleven.
In warfare, using the weapons known by the Hebrew word Korbanot (or sacrifices) the other side (evil) brought ten items and the Israelites brought eleven.
The other side (evil) knew ten was part of this physical reality, to control it. But the Israelites knew ten was not ultimate but rather eleven was. Eleven is part of the eleven spices spoke of in the Torah and Zohar.
Why is eleven chosen as good number?
Ten (sephirot) is limiting because even in the realm of the ein sof (Endless World, the realm above our physical world) we are not dealing with the ultimate Light. So eleven is higher than ten
Eleven is higher than ten.
In the Endless World there is Light and Vessel. Which means there is still a vessel.
The Source is beyond human intellect and can never be grasped so it is higher - the 11.
The whole process of life is about one thing—DESIRE — the desire to receive the Light.
The engine behind all activity on earth, all human action is desire, a craving for Light.
There is war, conflict and human misery only because we have not fulfilled that one desire. That is the only reason.
Science uses all these terms like electrons, quarks, leptons.
Rav Berg to this has said:
“I used to teach this long ago in the basic course. I think we took it out. In electricity, there is 110 volts and there is 220 volts. But both use the same force of electricity.
It is the capacity of the equipment that you plug into the electrical force that determines if its 110 or 220.
But the electrical force is always the same.
There is only desire to receive consciousness.
The different particles are just different vessels with different capacities, but its all one singular force of consciousness. How that one force is used and received is what makes the difference and accounts for all the diversity - just as the different peoples of the Earth are simply different vessels in which the Creator shines through.
Our desire to receive can no longer continue to operate as it has in the past (selfish). We must change and start receiving for the sake of benefiting others."
The number 137 in physics corresponds to the interaction between an electron and a photon or the probability of an electron absorbing a photon. In common language this means the interaction between the Vessel and the Light or how a Vessel can absorb/receive the Light.
We know that we are distanced and disconnected from the Light when we are opposite in nature because in the realm of consciousness or spirituality, opposites repel.
The only way for our physical world (electron) to absorb (receive) the Light is to imitate the Light, behave like the Light, and that stops repulsion. In turn, it causes attraction.
The missing puzzle piece for physics is consciousness.
Only by way of consciousness can we absorb and connect to the Light in a lasting and permanent way.
When we first admit and recognize that our ego is a distinct and separate force of consciousness (often that takes lifetimes), and then we strive to remove it, so that we share -instead of only receive, we then unite with the Light.
In other words, the Light is the Cause of Happiness.
Therefore, when we become the cause of someone else’s happiness, we are identical to the Light.
What’s the take away lesson here?
Simple — but not easy:
Instead of making our own dreams come true (which disconnects us because are receiving, the direct opposite of the sharing Light) we need to start making other people’s dreams come true.
Don’t worry about dedicating your time and talents making other people’s dreams come true. You won’t have to worry because the rest of the world will be striving to make all of your dreams come true.
That is the long-held secret.
That’s the formula for immortality and paradise.
When we are all working to make each other’s dreams come true, using our gifts and talents for the sole purpose of causing happiness in others, all ten dimensions of the ten sephirot align and connect. Suddenly, the Endless World and the Physical world unite as one.
The 1 realm of the Light connects to the 3 upper Sephirot, which connect with the lower 7 Sephirot and suddenly Light flows.
1 connects to 3 which connects to the 7.
Happiness manifests.
137 creates one unified whole.
Oneness between people creates oneness between the 1, the 3 and the 7.
Now throw away all the details and physics and just realize when you love your neighbor, you change your life and this world. But also know that you can only love your neighbor when you remove the one force that prevents you from loving unconditionally — the human ego.
So instead of chasing after love, chasing after happiness, and chasing after joy, start chasing after your own ego and selfish traits, because once your remove all that, love, happiness and joy are the automatic result.
And the ultimate secret for changing everything.
This is what Jesus taught.
Even more important - we find Christ (137) in phyllotaxis. What is phyllotaxis? The term phyllotaxis means "leaf arrangement" in Greek and was coined in 1754 by Charles Bonnet, a Swiss naturalist (Livio "Story," 109). In the 1830s, a pair of scientist brothers found that each new leaf on a plant stem is positioned at a certain angle to the previous one and that this angle is constant between leaves: usually about 137.5 degrees. "That is, if you look down from above on the plant and measure the angle formed between a line drawn from the stem to the leaf and a corresponding line for the next leaf, you will find that there is generally a fixed angle, called the divergence angle" (Tung 13).
Assuming that the sun and rain come from above, orthogonal (perpendicular) to the plane of the leaf, the divergence angle must be such as to minimize blockage of lower leaves by higher leaves. Therefore, any sort of periodic leaf arrangement must be avoided, if possible, as this will result in such blockage. So, the most optimal arrangement is obtained if we divide the circle formed by the plant (i.e. in the image above) by an irrational number--the more irrational the better. Earlier, we determined that the golden ratio is the most irrational number, and therefore we arrive at a divergence angle of 360/(phi) = 222.5, or, equivalently, 360-222.5 = 137.5 degrees, which is the most prevalent angle observed (More on 222 and the 12 Christ circles in the Magic Square of the Sun and the name of Jesus in another post)
To sum it up...
The name of Jesus Christ encodes the Sun, Pi, the Fibbonacci (and subsequently the Lucas) sequence, a circle, Phi, plant life and the desire to receive light in the most efficient way (phyllotaxis), in the Sun and Moon when circling the square, the ratios of pyramids, and all of creation sings his name, even the wind bends to him.
His name literally means The Way, The Truth, and The Light - as well as the desire to connect to that light.
Hence why it is said - the name of Jesus Christ is the way to the "father" (I prefer Creator or "Ha-Shem" as to not only embody the masculine, but the feminine as well).
I encourage everyone to ask to meet Jesus Christ themselves - and not use the stories that have been repeated or asked to have been taken on blind faith alone without understanding.
I would love to tell you Jesus actually existed as the stories go - but that would be an opinion. I wasn't there, so I can't tell you for sure that he either did or didn't - nor could I tell you the stories about his life and death are true or not. An opinion doesn't do anyone any good, and has the potential to mislead.
I can however tell you as a fact - that the name of Jesus Christ is in life - and is life. Those energies exist in the name, and that I can prove to you. All of creation sings his name - and it perhaps doesn't mean what we've been told it does (or how the stories go).
But don't take my word for it - do the math yourself......and the surest way -
Ask Him yourself.
Seek, Knock, Find.
Marty Leeds video on the English Cypher and Gematria of Jesus Christ: